このページでは、よくあるご質問についてまとめてあります。各質問をクリックすると回答が表示されますのでご覧ください。 びびなびをご利用の際に、何か困ったこと、わからないことがございましたら、まずはこちらをご確認いただき、該当する質問やその答えがなかった場合は、 ユーザサポートまでお問い合わせください。
- การเข้าสู่ระบบผู้ใช้
Please re-send user registration email.
Why should I log-in as user?
When I attempt User Registration, an error says that this email address has been already registered.
I would like to delete my user account.
How can I activate my account?
I cannot log-in to my account.
I'm automatically logged-in when I access Vivinavi. How can I delete my history?
I forgot log-in password.
How to keep me logged-in?
Can I make post without user registration?
- พาเนลผู้ใช้
What is Seed?
What is User Panel?
How can I select language, time zone, currency, and so on?
What is Fan?
What are Contents for Fan?
How can I block a user?
What is Map Setting?
What file types are supported by Vivinavi?
I would like to change my username.
What is the differences between Resume and Application Package?
- การส่งต่ออีเมล
- เนื้อหาโพสต์
I would like to change or delete my post/comment.
When will my post be published?
How can I mark "SOLD OUT"?
Though I changed my email address, I'm still receiving emails at the previous email address.
My post was made pending. When will it be published?
Though I entered a correct password, I still cannot change my post.
I cannot delete a topic on Discussion Board.
I would like to Report Violation on a post/comment.
Please let me know what word was detected by Word Restriction?
What is Scheduled Post?
Where can I find information or my post?
I cannot delete a comment on Discussion Board.
How long will my post be published?
I deleted my post, but it's still found in search engines (ex. Google).
I cannot go to next step when I'm making post.
Do you have a copy of my deleted or expired post?
How can I add or reduce item on Personal Buy & Sell?
My posts are still published after deleting my account.
I deleted my post, but it is still displayed.
Error is shown on [Area] page when I'm posting.
I cannot upload image or video.
How can I make post?
I would like to add a YouTube video (or other external media) to my post.
- สมัครงาน
- ตะกร้าสินค้า
- อื่นๆ
I got into a trouble with another user.
I would like to place advertisement on Vivinavi.
Is Vivinavi a free or paid service?
Will my access information be kept secret?
Is there Vivinavi app?
Do you have information packet for users?
What is Classified Listing Service (CLS)?
I would like to subscribe Vivinavi's sales and promotion emails (campaign, discounts, etc.). / How to unsubscribe emails from Vivinavi?
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