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Community members and their families are welcome to observe the works and presentations. Please feel free to visit.
The festival is held annually as an opportunity to widely present to the community the results of the activities of the Senior Citizens Welfare Lecture ・ Club, which is active at the Iki Iki Center.
Venue | Omiya Iki-iki Center, Chiba City |
Address | 264-0015 千葉県 千葉市 若葉区大宮台7-8-1(大宮小学校敷地内) |
Date | 2024/2/25 - 2024/2/25 |
Time | 9:30 minute(s) - 15:00 minute(s) |
Time detail | Exhibition of Works9 : 30 ~ 17 : 00 Presentation of Learning10 : 00 ~ 12 : 00 |
Getting here | 【行事名】千葉市大宮いきいきセンターフェスティバル 【会場】千葉市大宮いきいきセンター 【アクセス】千葉中央バス「大宮小学校前」下車。大宮小学校正門より入り正面の校舎を迂回し、校庭側にございます。 |
Venue detail | 【千葉市大宮いきいきセンター住所】 千葉市若葉区大宮台7-8-1 (大宮小学校敷地内) |
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