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It is time for autumn fruits to ripen. Let's enjoy various activities with acorns under the blue sky.
We will make cute yo-yos and dolls out of acorns.
We will also make cute Totoro.
Application ・ Contact : Chiba Port Park Management Office 043 - 247 - 6049
We accept applications on the same day.
Capacity : 10 pairs of parents and children ( Children must be accompanied by a parent or guardian )
Fee : 500 yen per pair ( Includes materials ) +200 yen per additional child
Cancelled if raining
Instruction : NPO Chiba Forest Instructors Association Member
Planning ・ Organizer : Chiba Port Park
Designated Manager ( ) Tsukahara Institute of Green Space
Venue | |
Address | 260 0024 千葉県 千葉市 千葉市中央区中央1丁目 |
Date | 2023/10/1 - 2023/10/1 |
Time | 10:00 minute(s) - 12:00 minute(s) |
Time detail | Meeting place: In front of Chiba Port Park [Rest Area |
Getting here | JR・モノレール : JR京葉線、千葉都市モノレール [千葉みなと駅]下車 徒歩12分 自動車 東京方面から 東関東自動車道[湾岸習志野]IC下車 約20分 成田方面から 東関東自動車道 [湾岸千葉]IC下車 約15分 館山方面から 京葉道路 [松ヶ丘]IC下車 約15分 駐車場245台無料 10月翌5月 9時~19時 |
Venue detail |
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