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Held at Chiba Port Park !.
Let's break stones by yourself and find fossils of plants and trees that lived long ago ( Rarely, insects and animals will be found )
Open to : Elementary school students and older ( Children must be accompanied by their parents )
Capacity : 5 pairs of parents and children ( Up to 10 children )
Participation fee : 500 yen per couple ( Including materials ) * +100 yen per additional child
Things to bring : Gloves, newspaper, bags to put fossils
Bring only if you have at home : Kana zuchi (flathead screwdriver)
Meeting place : In front of Chiba Port Park Free Rest Area
Organizer : Chiba Port Park
Designated Manager ( Tsukahara Institute of Green Space ) Inc. <2965>
Lecturer : NPO Chiba Forest Instructors Association Member
Venue | Chiba Port Park |
Address | 260ー0024 千葉県 千葉市中央区 中央1丁目 |
Date | 2024/2/18 - 2024/2/18 |
Time | 10:30 minute(s) - 12:00 minute(s) |
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Getting here | JR・モノレール JR京葉線、千葉都市モノレール[千葉みなと駅]下車 徒歩 約12分 車 東京方面から:東関東自動車道 [湾岸習志野] IC下車 約20分 成田方面から:東関東自動車道 [湾岸千葉] IC下車 約15分 館山方面から: 京葉道路 [松ヶ丘] IC下車 約15分 東金方面から: 東金道路 [千葉東] IC下車 約15分 一般駐車場 245台(無料) |
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